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Letter to the editor
The Milford Times, January 3, 2008

Save Parkland

Imagine Milford without our parks. While I commend Milford Township and the Milford Village Council for the many fine things they do to make our town such a great place to live, I must respectfully disagree with their latest decision. Replacing Southside Park with a new fire station is short term thinking. Study after study point out the economic benefits of pocket parks like these, and their importance to prosperity, property values, attracting new tax paying businesses and residents, and providing a high quality lifestyle to the community. Money Magazine's annual "Best Places to Live" states that Americans are seeking places "with a lot more green space and a lot less stress." We all have the right to enjoy these parks and to benefit from their financial security.

The only way parks in Milford should ever be allowed to be sold or used for development is if they are replaced with new parks of equal or greater value on a vote by the community. Better yet, our parks should be permanently protected with a legal agreement called a conservation easement to eliminate temptation to sell or use them for development.

Milford residents have the right to a balanced approach to land use by our town leaders that recognizes the need to invest in and protect pocket parks, thereby preserving your property values. If Southside Park is underused, revitalize it by revising the layout, facilities and signage to attract new users. As Milford residents, we should encourage and hold those in charge accountable to a culture of innovative planning that preserves pocket parks and protects your housing investment. Other cities across our country do it. Let's do the same in Milford.

Thank you,

Kirt Manecke

Land Choices

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