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LandChoices new website offers help for planners and landowners

From the Milford Times, September 6, 2007

MILFORD – For landowners, planners and interested citizens looking for assistance to preserve land and Milford?s rural character, LandChoices' new website offers help. LandChoices is a Milford based national non-profit conservation organization.

"Thanks to our members, funds were raised for this new website that provides information on ways to preserve land and much easier navigation. In addition to expanded land protection information, the site offers a new "Kid's" page with lots of fun links to get children out of the house.

New "Tell a Friend" buttons will help spread the word, our new "Sponsors" page provides more visibility for our corporate friends, and there are now ways for people to volunteer and get involved on the "Contribute" page. This new site offers secure online giving and monthly giving options, and a free e-mail newsletter," said Kirt Manecke, LandChoices' founder and president.

For planners looking to preserve Milford's rural character, the "Conservation Subdivisions" section of the new website is segmented for planners, landowners, developers, realtors, neighbors and residents.

Planners can learn how conservation subdivision design can preserve 50% to 70% of land slated for subdivision development at no cost to the community. Planners also learn about misconceptions and how conservation subdivisions differ from "clustering", a method that, according to Manecke, is outdated, failed to preserve much land and made it more difficult for planners to embrace conservation subdivision design.

Landowners interested in preserving their land can visit the "Preserve Your Land" link, where a "Frequently Asked Questions" section helps landowners learn how to preserve land.

For landowners looking to conserve land and also receive some income, there is a new "Other Choices" link that explains limited development, a method of preserving land where a landowner can subdivide off fewer lots for housing than local zoning would permit, and protect the remainder of the property.

The "Other Choices" section also includes information on natural landscaping to help landowners reduce mowing and increase wildlife habitat, and a section on rain gardens.

LandChoices is a national non-profit organization helping landowners preserve land, and providing a better way through conservation subdivision design for every beautiful place in America slated for development. To make a tax-deductible contribution or for more information visit or call 248-685-0483.

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