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Projects put on hold

NOTE: Projects below have been put on hold indefinitely due to lack of funding and interest.

1. Supersize My BackyardTM
A national campaign...Goodbye "cookie-cutter" subs!
The first campaign to take conservation subdivisions nationwide to preserve water quality and the wildlife, working farmland and natural areas you cherish.

Note: Program on hold indefinitely due to lack of funding and volunteer support.

Help preserve lands slated for development near you.
Learn more

GOAL: Gather 1,000 signatures
Sign LandChoices' petition

Food Inc., the movie
You'll never look at dinner the same way. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment.
Learn more 

Note: Program on hold indefinitely due to lack of funding and volunteer support. (We had planned to show the film in downtown Milford, Michigan in the spring of 2010.)

GOALPreserve working family farms by informing people and inspiring them to buy local. Learn more

Save the D-bar-A Boy Scout Camp
LandChoices' is working with the Metamora Land Preservation Alliance (MLPA) to save this 470+ acre camp from strip mining.

LandChoices' is working with the Metamora Land Preservation Alliance (MLPA) to save this 470+ acre camp from strip mining. Read the MLPA newsletter (PDF)

Note: Program on hold indefinitely due to lack of funding and volunteer support.

GOALStop proposed strip mining.
Learn more at

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