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Benefits To: Landowners, Planners, Developers, Neighbors, Realtors, Residents

Advantages of Conservation
Subdivision for Homeowners

Smart Investment
Similar to lake or golf course developments, conservation subdivisions consist of lots that tend to appreciate faster than lots those in conventional subdivisions.

One study on appreciation rates compared two subdivisions in Amherst, Massachusetts. Homes in the conservation subdivision sold on average for $17,000 (13%) more than homes in the conventional subdivision where lots were twice as large.
From Growing Greener, by Randall Arendt

More Free Time
Homeowners' time spent mowing lawns and on other outdoor maintenance is reduced, freeing them to enjoy the many acres of open space.

This does not mean that homeowners have to live on a small lot as many conservation subdivisions lot sizes are 1/2 to 3/4 of an acre, and in rural areas lot size in conservation subdivisions may be 1 or 2 acres or more. 

Wonderful for Children and Families
Studies cited in the best selling book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, show that children exposed to nature learn critical exploratory skills, are more apt to be interested in science and math, are more confident, and become better and much more successful adults.

They are also more apt to have much lower rates of childhood obesity, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and depression.

FAQs, Frequently Asked Questions

Help take conservation subdivisions mainstream

You can have it all
  • Great views
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved heart and overall health
  • Nature trails
  • Enhanced
    quality of life
  • New friends

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