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Benefits To: Landowners, Planners, Developers, Neighbors, Realtors, Residents
Advantages of Conservation
Subdivision for Realtors
Make More Money
Why sell a commodity? Conservation development reduces costs compared to conventional subdivisions, creating a more profitable and faster selling development.
Larger Commissions
One researcher recently studied 184 lots in conservation subdivisions and in conventional subdivisions in South Kingstown, RI, reporting the following results:
- Lots in conservation subdivisions carried a 14% premium (about $15,000 more per lot).
- Lots sold 47% more quickly compared with those in conventional subdivisions.

Photo courtesy Tryon Farm, a conservation subdivision near Michigan City, Indiana.
Make More Money
The Economics of Conservation Subdivisions (PDF)
"The results show that lots in conservation subdivisions carry a premium, are less expensive to build, and sell more quickly than lots in conventional subdivisions."
"Together, the results show that conservation subdivisions are more profitable to developers than conventional subdivisions."
"That lots in conservation subdivisions sold in about half the time as lots in conventional subdivisions must be advantageous to the cash flow of developers."
"These numbers translate into premiums for lots in conservation subdivisions ranging from $13,000 to $18,000 per acre over lots in conventional subdivisions."
Make More Money
Read about one realtor's success: Farmcolony Greene County's Best Kept Secret
Randall Arendt discusses benefits of conservation development.
Cultivating Natural and Cultural Landscapes through Conservation Subdivision Design (PDF) (Terrain.org, Spring/Summer 2006)
Same mumber of homes
Conservation subdivisions allow the same number of homesites as conventional subdivisions.
Faster appreciation rates
One study on appreciation rates compared two subdivisions in Amherst, Massachusetts:
Homes in the conservation subdivision sold on average for $17,000 (13%) more than homes in the conventional subdivision where lots were twice as large.
From "Growing Greener", by Randall Arendt

Photo courtesy Tryon Farm, a conservation subdivision near Michigan City, Indiana.